So much has changed in the core game since TERA launched, and of course, one of the biggest changes to TERA has been the addition of five new classes over the years – such as gunners in 2015. And more just keeps coming. 

On May 9, the “Velik’s Fate” content update dropped for TERA, introducing new areas to explore and armor skins to earn. As one of the new features in En Masse’s “month of celebrations,” this year’s anniversary has a whole lot you should be looking out for. Lucky for you, you have five weeks to enjoy it all. 

TERA’s Celebration Highlights 

Free New Flyer

Log in at least once during May and receive the Fifth Anniversary Wings totally free.

Log in once on weekends during the celebration’s duration, and you’ll receive up to five free pairs of wings These wings are permanent and can be banked, but they cannot be traded 

Fight New Enemies in Style

“Velik’s Fate”

This pair of new dungeons will take players into new, uncharted territory. Full of nefarious enemies and difficult bosses, this new update take things in TERA to a whole new level. 

What you’ll find: 

Two brand new dungeons with a terrifying boss, Laken Velik’s Hold Up to seven players Normal and hard modes Two entries per day Velik’s Sanctuary Five players One entry per day Both are available for max-level players Both come with new achievements

Armor Skins

On top of new dungeons, bosses, and enemies, players will be able to pick up new armor skins, making their characters look fiercer in battle – and more intimidating to the enemy. 

What you’ll find: 

Three fresh, metal armor skins with a new helmet slot dropped in the latest patch:  Ironward – Brushed steel Dawn’s Guard – White with crimson accents Night’s Watch –  Black Each will be on sale later this month

New Gear

Brand new gear sets make an appearance as well. For those high-level players looking to up their game, you’ll find: 

New Tier 11 and Tier 12 armor is now available Both are obtainable from dungeons and battleground jackpots

New Accessories

To flesh things out even further, new accessories will be available to players as they move through TERA’s world on to their next conquest. You’ll find: 

Dungeon drop: Godstrap and Heaventrap Trapped Increases critical factor Locked  Increases power

Anniversary Tokens

Rare cosmetic items are up for grabs, but you’ll have to work for them. Anniversary tokens add a new layer to TERA’s play, incentivizing you to take advantage of the game’s dungeons and PVP areas. 

Earn tokens through participation in dungeons and PvP Drop chance for rare cosmetic items 


But don’t let those tokens go to waste. Instead, make sure to stop by the shop and pick up rare items from time to time. 

Spend your tokens Items change weekly Buy items not normally available 

Fifth Anniversary Gift Boxes

Available on the online store Chance for a valuable item in one of the following categories: Consumables Inner armor Mounts Costumes

Gift Exchange

How to Participate 

Buy a Fifth Anniversary gift box on the online store Send boxes to friends to earn rewards


Send 1 box – get 1 Kelsaik’s Crown Send 3 – get a 30-day Elite Status voucher Send 5 –  get 1 Fiery Halo  Send 10 – get 1 Cheeks pet (account-bound) Receive 72 more inventory slots across all of your characters Send 15 – get 1 Ultraplasm weapon skin (account-bound) See a vibrant crimson glow on all your weapons Note: Ineffective on runeglaives. Cannot be claimed on a Valkyrie

Super Quiz Bowl

During live streams, hear TERA trivia questions  Join community manager Spacecats every week to participate and gain the chance to win awesome prizes  Other in-game events will be around, including finishing highlighted dungeons for the week to earn more Anniversary Tokens

Changed Patch Content

Check out the full, detailed report in the latest patch notes.


Returned Timescape Bathysmal Rise The Abscess Gone Harrowhold Ruinous Manor Broken Prison Lilith’s Keep  Shadow Sanguinary Sky Cruiser Endeavor Vault of Kaprima

Instance Reset Scrolls

Type is dependent on dungeon difficulty level Previous versions dependent on dungeon itself

What are your thoughts on TERA’s fifth anniversary? How have you seen TERA change and grow over the years? What feature or item are you most excited about this month? Tell us in the comments below!