“One psychological militant killed. Activity underway,” police said.


Prior Jammu and Kashmir Police in a tweet, citing Extra Chief General Police Kashmir zone, Vijay Kumar, said that two nearby fear mongers of prohibited dread outfit JeM were caught in the continuous experience in Ahwatoo area of Kulgam. Both the caught psychological militants are associated with a few fear wrongdoing cases.

A Pakistani psychological militant having a place with fear monger outfit Jaish-e-Muhammed was killed in an experience among fear based oppressors and security powers at Batpora region in Kulgam on Monday.

Tuesday’s firefight begun after a joint group of police and security powers became a contribution about the presence of fear based oppressors around there, and cordoned it off. At this, fear mongers concealing there began terminating, and security powers fought back.

There have been a progression of experiences among fear mongers and security powers across Kashmir in the new past in which numerous psychological oppressors have been dispensed with.