Fallout 3 is known for its huge open world and the whole franchise made a massive impact on the world of gaming. It got a huge support not just from the developers but also from the modding community. By now it has one of the largest amounts of easter eggs and secret references to the multitudes of popular characters, movies, video games, etc. So, here’s the 10 best easter eggs in Fallout 3:

1. Ozymandias

A natural gas survey ship USS Ozymandias can be found just off the coast of Point Lookout. This mysterious shipwreck has a lower deck where you can store your excess stuff, which makes it quite useful. There’s also a locked safe with a few interesting things inside you may want to check out, as well.

2. Stockholm

Before the entrance to Megaton, just above the robot guard, there’s a small balcony. You actually can get to the place only by using the “tcl” console command, which allows you to walk through the walls. Right there you will meet a funny NPC named Stockholm, who is very curious about how exactly you got there.

3. Rockopolis

In the Capital Wasteland there’s a secret location. Rockopolis is a small settlement in the mountain, which can be reached by going straight to the west from the Casey’s garage. It is much easier to see the entrance at night as there are a few bulbs lighting it up. There’s a lot to explore on this location, but we won’t spoil it for you, just go and check it out for yourselves.

4. Dogmeat

If you’ve been playing Fallout 2 you should remember the dog companion named Dogmeat. In Fallout 3 you can bring him back to accompany you on your adventure. The man’s best friend can be found at the entrance of a scrap yard in the Capital Wasteland.

5. Harold

You can find Harold – the talking tree, in Oasis, which is located on the most northern part of the map, right in its center. This is another character from the first two games that found its way into Fallout 3. In the previous game he was a ghoul who had a tree growing on the top of his head named Bob.

6. HAL 9000

If you pay close attention in certain places around Capital Wasteland you will notice a few surveillance cameras. Their design strongly resembles the HAL 9000, the red-eyed artificial intelligence computer from the highly acclaimed science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

7. TES-04

Outside the Big Town you can find a utility pole with a short reference to another Bethesda Softwork’s video game The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. There are many other easter eggs throughout Fallout 3 that link to Bethesda’s legacy, so keep your eyes open.

8. Interplay

Interplay was a publisher that helped release the first two installments of the Fallout series. This massive monument in honor of Interplay can be found in the Chevy Chase location. The globe circled around by a small rocket was an official logo of the video game publisher.

9. Black Isle Studios

“Point Lookout” additional content holds a few loading screens and mentions Isla Negra Holdings. This is a clear reference to the Black Isle Studios, which spells as Isla Negra in Spanish. Black Isle is the developer of both Fallout and Fallout 2.

10.Star Wars

At the waste disposal area during Among the Stars quest in the “Mothership Zeta” add-on, a character named Sally can be found saying: “What an incredible smell you’ve discovered,” which is the exact same phrase Han Solo said in Star Wars IV: A New Hope. 

The 10 best jokes from Fallout 3

Besides easter eggs Fallout 3 gained special status among fans for its satirical humor. Looks like the developers paid special attention to some characters’ dialogues and their ability to make the Lone Wanderer wonder: “What is wrong with you?” Anyway, let’s look at the 10 best Fallout 3 jokes:

1. Super Mutants

Time from time you can see a couple of super mutants bumping at each other. The dialogue during these occasional encounters is quite something: “I was thinking. And it hurt! Hurt my head! But I remembered things. From before… I think I knew a woman. Or maybe I was a woman… Aggh! It hurts!” Aren’t they cute?

2. Wadsworth

In the game you can obtain a personal butler robot Wadsworth, also known as Mister Handy. Wadsworth is a goldmine of unintentional jokes and puns. On one occasion he says: “I was going to attend clairvoyants meeting, but it was canceled due to unforeseen events.” That’s actually very smart.

3. Moira Brown

Craterside Supply in megaton is owned by Moira Brown, an eccentric NPC with a sharp tongue. Although jokes from her side usually come at times that are completely inappropriate for that kind of humor, which makes her stand out: “Oh? Feeling a bit under the weather? Or a bit over the Geiger-counter?” What, lady?

4. Talking Tree

If you meet a Talking Tree in Oasis your character gets a bit nervous. Who wouldn’t? It’s a talking tree! One of the dialogue options at the encounter states: “Okay. What’s the trick? I know there’s a guy with a microphone somewhere?” Oh, the disbelief.

5. Megaton Bomb

The atom bomb, which is located right in the center of Megaton can be armed. As you follow the quest and decide the fate of the whole location the screen gives you a rather humorous warning: “You successfully insert the Fusion Pulse Charge. This bomb is now rigged to explode (from a safe distance, of course.)” Really?

6. Godfrey

Another robot servant you can meet in Megaton is Godfrey. Just like his counterpart Wadsworth, Godfrey’s jokes are both clever and funny: “It’s common knowledge that irradiated cats have 18 half-live.” Are you sure about that, Godfrey?

7. Toshiro Kago

You can meet all sorts of weird characters in Fallout 3, but a samurai aboard a spaceship is something completely out there. If you try talking to him he will reply in his native Japanese (transliterated for your convenience, of course): ”Sessha no ken! Sessha no ken wa dokoda?” No, thanks, maybe next time.

8. Abby Normal

Looks like sarcastic robots are in favor among Fallout developers. Here’s one more example found on the Zeta Mothership – Abby Normal (another pun?), giving you an advice of your lifetime: ”Try not to die in the cold, empty vacuum of space.” Got it!

9. Vault Secure

The classic poster can be seen all over the places and is one of the funniest things in the game for sure. The absurdity of the whole message in the times of post apocalypse is both unsettling and full of hope -  the whole world is blown to bits and pieces, but don’t worry, we have a nice place for you to wait over.

10.    Bugs and glitches

And, finally, what would we do without all the bugs and glitches in Fallout 3? They can be so fierce that many have already gained a cult status. Bugs are usually considered a problem, but not in a Fallout universe – the community loves them.

In fact there are many more, but the main purpose of this article was gathering the best Fallout 3 easter eggs and jokes. And, I want to ask you, dear gamers, who have already had the pleasure of meeting any of these characters and visiting some of these locations - if you have your favorite Fallout 3 easter eggs and jokes, please, share them in the comments section below.