1. Top 10 Levels of the Week

It can be top 5, or top 20, but I want to be able to have a playlist set up where the top-rated levels from the week are readily available. Again, this is dependent on the community consistently creating levels, but I think it’s a reasonable request.

2. Recreating classics

This can come from either Nintendo or the Super Mario Maker community, but I want the classic Mario games remade via Super Mario Maker. Imagine getting to play any level from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, or Super Mario World! Let’s make it happen.

3. Save the levels!

I really hope that you can save your favorite levels, or even download them. It would be a bummer if you had to search for a level in order to replay it. Hopefully there will be playlists that you can create to have your favorite levels readily available. We know that players will be able to follow creators and favorite levels, so one must assume that this request will be granted in some form.

4. Miyamoto-made levels

With 100 levels being packaged with the game, I have to assume that some of them will be designed by Shigeru Miyamoto himself. It would be super cool if they distinguish which levels were designed by Miyamoto, as well as other designers. This probably won’t happen, but I really hope it does.

5. Consistent updates and designer-made levels

I hope that Nintendo consistently updates the game, giving creators more and more options so that they can create the craziest, best levels possible. I also hope that some of the design geniuses at Nintendo continue to add their own awesome levels.

Super Mario Maker releases for Wii U worldwide on September 11th. These are the five things that I really want from Super Mario Maker, but what do you want from the game?