Well, do I have a great suggestion for you. How about we look at some skins? “Why?” you might ask. Well, the only way to combat the devil is to become one yourself – and why not look snazzy while doing it? So as we sell our souls to the demon king, we’ll be ranking the best Morgana skins for LoL, taking into account both visual aesthetic and the crit damage to your wallet. Let’s begin.

11. Exiled Morgana

Released: June 1st, 2010 Price: 975 RP Just to be upfront, Morgana has some excellent skins. And I think they are all worth to look at. This is just the least amazing out of the wonderful set. I simply don’t like the orange and white color pallet on Morgana. It seems a bit weird, and as we’ll see with the other skins, there’s a reason why she usually sticks to darker themes. Her abilities did all get a fresh new coat of paint, with her ulti being the stand-out for me – as her wings just give off strong Kill la Kill Kiryuin vibes, but that’s about it. It’s reasonably priced and pretty neat in every aspect.

10. Sinful Succulence Morgana

Released: September 2nd, 2010 Price: 975 RP The thing with this skin is that it just does too little. It changes the base model and has Morgana sporting a chef’s hat, but that’s about as far as it goes. It features a really cool splash art and the model is well-made. But with zero animation changes, it doesn’t amount to much. Especially when you consider that my previous pick has the same price-tag, but redoes some of the animations. I like the base model and splash art more than Exiled Morgana – but the lack of new animations keeps this one from going any higher on the tier list.

9. Victorious Morgana

Released: November 11th, 2014 Price: Ranked Rewards Okay, this one might be a bit controversial. To me, all this skin is a status symbol. Although hitting Gold isn’t that uncommon anymore, with about 25% of players reaching this goal, the skin dating back 7 years does give you some street cred. However, the skin on its own is pretty mediocre in my opinion. It’s not really themed around anything like the others, but rather just makes Morgana look fancier. The purple and gold color pallet works well for the model – but not as much for the animations. The only stand out aspect for me personally, besides the street cred, is the backing animation. It is simply gorgeous.

8. Lunar Wraith Morgana

Released: January 27th, 2016 Price: 975 RP This skin also falls into the category of “doing everything well but with no real hook”. The color pallet swap works very well here, and the in-game model is extremely well made, especially the new green wings. However, unlike some of the higher up choices on this list, it doesn’t do anything above and beyond what you would expect from a 975 RP skin. The animations have all been updated to fit the new theme, though. And the splash art is decent. If you want to see the potential a Lunar skin could have had, look no further than Lunar Beast Annie and you’ll hopefully agree with me that Lunar Wraith came out a bit disappointing.

7. Blade Mistress Morgana

Released: December 1st, 2010 Price: 750 RP This skin will get you a pretty good bang for your buck. At only 750 RP, it’ll fetch you a gorgeous in-game model and a stunning splash art. The in-game model looks punky and menacing as all hell, giving Morgana a fresh new pink cut and some sharp-looking wings. However, do be aware that none of the animations will be changed. This isn’t too much of an issue, as it fits the theme very well. But I still will have to dock a few points for it. Plus, this seems like a fitting way to wrap up the lower half of the Morgana skins.

6. Majestic Empress Morgana

Released: September 26th, 2019 Price: 1350 RP So this skin is somewhat polarizing, as it goes in the complete opposite direction when it comes to Morgana’s theme. Instead of the usual dark and menacing sorceress, we get an angel-looking character with beautiful lush white wings. The animations are all terrific – and the visual design is very well-made. But I can’t put it any higher, as it goes against Morgana’s overall theme. When a Majestic Empress Morgana throws out her abilities, I feel like they’re going to heal me and not root me for half a century. So this skin has to be in the upper half of the list, as it is wonderfully mad. But I can’t put it any higher as it’s thematically incoherent.

5. Blackthorn Morgana

Released: May 23rd, 2012 Price: 1350 RP It’s time to get prickly. Blackthorn Morgana goes a very interesting route in terms of the in-game model, making Morgana look like an evil elf-like character with dragon-like wings and even a tail. The model looks extremely good – but the animations are a bit more predictable. Everything is about thorns. And her abilities reflect this philosophy, with each spell featuring thorns in one way or the other. It’s on the pricier side – but I think it could be worth a look if you like a more fantasy-oriented look.

4. Ghost Bride Morgana

Released: June 13th, 2013 Price: 975 RP This skin just really stood the test of time. It takes everything that was great about Morgana’s theme, and highlights it even more with a major spook factor. Her new Q and R animations are just breathtaking, while her W and E and very simple but effective re-colorings. My favorite part about this skin is definitely the recall animation. It’ll scare me 10/10 times I hear it. It just all fits the theme perfectly and if you’re looking for a budget skin, I highly recommend either this one, or my number one pick further in this list.

3. Dawnbringer Morgana

Released: September 23rd, 2021 Price: 1350 RP There’s no question that Dawnbringer Morgana is visually just stunning. The character model is so detailed, and the color scheme is so fitting, that you can immediately tell this skin is among the newest ones. But thematically I’m really torn. On the one hand, seeing Morgana before the fall is a really cool idea. And I would be lying if I said the sight of her angel wings during her ult doesn’t make me hyped as all hell. On the other hand, her Q and W just feel kind of weird now that they’re more brightly cultured. I can’t really group the E in the same category, as it’s so beautifully animated that it could be any color and I would still love it. Other cool features here include a new backing animation (although it isn’t anything to write home about), and a set of some brilliant chromas. So overall, this skin is absolutely stunning. If you don’t care about a skin’s theme, this is a really strong choice. But if you’d be a little annoyed that none of her voice lines make sense, then you’re better off with any of the following skins.

2. Coven Morgana

Released: April 16th, 2020 Price: 1820 RP Let’s face it: this is the coolest skin. It turns Morgana into a really evil-looking vampire queen that’s ready to wreck some chaos. Her recall animation has her turning into a demonic-looking bird, and all of her particle effects have been updated. The W animation even looks like a sacrificial circle, which it honestly feels like as well. And her E looks even more powerful than before, plus her R just looks overpowered – and her Q is way easier to spot. It’s a brilliant skin. And if you’re mister or misses money bags, definitely go for this one.

1. Bewitching Morgana

Released: October 19th, 2016 Price: 975 RP I’ll say that this skin just feels like the ultimate Morgana fantasy. It turns her into a proper witch – and I am here for it. The in-game model is stunning, with her new witch hat being especially well made, and all of her animations have been updated to fit the theme. Bats can be seen flying about after every ability lands, and it all fits in perfectly. Plus, the splash art is like a shrine to very, um, dedicated Morgana mains. For only 975 RP, this skin is an absolute steal. And I highly suggest giving it a look when it’s available. Note: this content was created under Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.

The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 70The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 29The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 76The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 34The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 21The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 79The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 69The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 83The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 74The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 73The Best Morgana League of Legends Skins  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 50